Vote May 12th, 2025!
Lisa Wysocki for Berlin Select Board
My name is Lisa Wysocki, and I am running for the Berlin Select Board. For those who don’t know me, I previously had the privilege of serving on the Board from 2017 to 2020. As one of the last members to serve without a Town Administrator, I worked on numerous initiatives with a strong commitment to improving how our Town government serves the community.
Some of my efforts were administrative, such as drafting a weather policy that made public safety the primary decision-maker for cancellations, implementing Board liaisons to committees to improve communication, and adding plain-language summaries to Town Meeting warrants. Others had a broader impact. As the liaison to the Town Management Study Committee, I played an instrumental role in drafting the Town Administrator Act and worked directly with Representative Naughton’s office to ensure its passage before the end of the legislative session.
After learning about the potential financial benefits of the Community Preservation Act (CPA), I worked with others in Town government to take a new approach and run an informational campaign for voters. Despite two previous failed attempts, we succeeded in passing the CPA both at Town Meeting and on the ballot, unlocking over a million dollars in State matching funds over the past several years. With the help of several Town employees, I drafted a successful Rural Communities Grant to repave the Town parking lot and improve safety with proper drainage. Seeing the need, I fought to secure funds for the first Council on Aging Director.
Since stepping off the Board, I have continued to find ways to serve our community. As State Senator Robyn Kennedy’s first Chief of Staff, I worked to represent the interests of small communities and coordinated with State Representative Meaghan Kilcoyne’s office to ensure our constituent issues were addressed and our legislative priorities advanced. I am currently serving as the first Chair of the newly created Berlin Municipal Affordable Housing Trust, established to use dedicated CPA funds to address our affordable housing needs.
Those who stopped by the Town Clerk’s office this fall or voted early likely saw me volunteering and organizing the office while the Clerk was on leave. This experience gave me valuable insight into another area of Town government, allowed me to reconnect with Town Office volunteers and staff, and gave me the opportunity to hear directly from community members.
I look forward to hearing everyone’s thoughts, concerns, and ideas over the next few months, and I hope you will give me the opportunity to serve our community on the Berlin Select Board once again.
Thank you for your support!

Meet Lisa
Lisa has lived in Berlin since 2013 with her husband, Tim; daughter, Piper; their two horses, Mischief and Addie; and their Labrador retriever, Nova. Lisa grew up in Watersmeet, a small, rural community in Upper Michigan, where she was raised with the belief that we should help our neighbors and leave things better than we found them. She and Tim met during their college radio days at Michigan Technological University, where she earned her Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science.
After graduation, Lisa worked as a software engineer at several companies, including Fidelity Investments’ 403B and Charitable Gift Fund divisions. Realizing that Piper was not thriving in traditional educational settings, Lisa and Tim decided to home-educate her through high school. Piper has since graduated from Wellesley College and is now pursuing her PhD in Physics at the University of New Mexico.
A self-professed numbers and policy geek, Lisa enjoys organizing and improving processes. She learned to ride horses as an adult and often spends her free time with Mischief.

. . .I have witnessed Lisa’s decision-making experience, being able to balance multiple perspectives, look at facts, and take into consideration town and individual impact. I have first hand seen her interpersonal skills and how with ease she can engage with those around her. It is not an easy situation when tempers flare, arguments ensue, and fiction is co-mingled with truth. Lisa can wade through that mire, she takes the time to build relationships, and can effectively understand the issues brought to her attention. She is flexible without being adversarial. Her recommendations are clear and realistic. She is approachable and readily engages with the public. She has been a welcomed attendee at multiple town events. She has a clear vision and a passion for the work that needs to be done for Berlin. She is decisive, focuses on the right issues, and makes the right decisions based on the best information. . .
Margaret (Peg) Stone
Select Board Member

I have worked with Lisa on many occasions over nearly a decade. Lisa will bring to the Select Board her clear thinking, strong ethics, experience serving the public, hard work and dedication to the Town of Berlin and our community.
Mary Porter
Finance Committee

There are three things that make my mom uniquely suited to serving on the Select Board. First, she has a rare knack for bringing out the best in systems and people. Second, she listens to everyone and tries to build common ground. Finally, she prioritizes the good of the community over her own ego, even if that means stepping back or reevaluating her own stances.
Piper Wysocki

I would whole heartedly support Lisa as a member of the Select Board. Lisa has previously proven her abilities to manage Town operations while at the same time being deeply concerned about the needs and retention of Town employees.
David Smith
Former Berlin Highway Superintendent
Select Board Member (Sterling MA)

Lisa is a great neighbor. She’s kind, smart, and always willing to help others. She was excellent select board member in the past, and I’m excited to support her for this role again. She has the experience and knowledge to tackle any problem our town faces.
I will break my political yard sign ban for [her].
Chris Nelson

I worked in Berlin town government during Lisa’s previous time on the Select Board. She was always thoughtful and well-informed on issues that came before her and her colleagues. What I remember most, though, was her focus on how any given matter would impact the lives of people in Berlin. She cares about her constituents and looks out for them.
Buzz Harris
Former Finance Committee Chair

I endorse Lisa Wysocki for Selectperson for the town of Berlin. She has the experience and judgment to be an excellent candidate. She has my support!
Lisa Terrell